abscess localised collection of pus within a tissue
ACTH response a measure of adrenal impairment
acute toxic megacolon distension of the colon with paralysis and loss of ability to absorb water and electrolytes potentially fatal
aphthous ulcers shallow, painful areas of damaged mucosa in CD patients
auto-antibodies antibodies which attack their own body cells
autoimmune disease a condition in which cells of the body are attacked by its own immune system
biopsy small sample of tissue for microscopic analysis
cataracts opaque tissue forming in the eye, affecting sight
chronic intermittent UC long-term UC, with periods of remission between acute flare-ups
cirrhosis chronic liver disorder in which fibrous scar tissue gradually replaces normal liver tissue
clubbing thickening of the bones of the fingertips and toes
colonoscope flexible fibre-optic (endoscope) speculum used to examine the colon internally
colonoscopy. This involves inserting an endoscope into the colon to view the mucosal surface directly and to take tissue samples for analysis if required
colorectal the area of the colon adjoining the rectum
complication a condition occurring during the course of or as a result of another disease and often aggravating it
confluent ulceration ulcers that have joined up to cover large areas
crypt abscess a deep cleft in the colon wall that fills with inflammatory cells, bacteria and cell debris (i.e. pus) as a result of UC
deep venous thrombosis a blood clot that forms in and blocks one of the deep veins
disease progression the gradual worsening of a disease
distal far from the centre of the body e.g fingers are on the distal end of the arm
distal colitis inflammation of the rectal end of the colon
distension swelling or dilation of a hollow organ or body cavity due to internal pressure
diverticular disease - formation of sacs or pouches of mucosal tissue through the intestinal wall
dyscrasias blood disorders that can be a rare adverse effect of treatment with mesalazine or balsalazine
dysplasia abnormal development of tissues, organs or cells
endoscope an instrument for viewing the interior of a bodily canal or hollow organ
endoscopy the use of an endoscope in a body cavity such as the alimentary canal
enema the injection or insertion of liquid into the rectum for cleansing, laxative or other therapeutic purposes
enteral nutrition nutrients delivered via the alimentary canal
enteric pathogens micro-organisms causing infections in the alimentary canal
episcleritis painful inflammation of the external eye tissues
fibrotic the stiff, fibrous structure of affected parts of the bowel wall in CD
fistulas abnormal communication between a hollow organ and its surface
friable fragile, easily damaged, crumbly
glaucoma raised intraocular pressure that can cause blindness
granulomas lumps formed from clumps or aggregates of inflammatory cells
haemorrhage sudden flow of blood from damaged blood vessels
haemorrhagic lesions bleeding defects in the mucosa of CD patients
infectious colitis inflammation of the colon due to infection by a pathogenic organism
infiltration gradual entry of cells or substances into a body tissue
insufflated air or other gas or vapour blown into a body cavity
ischaemic colitis inflammation of the colon due to localised loss of blood supply causing tissue damage
malignancy an abnormal growth threatening health and/or life often spreads or metastasizes to other parts of the body
metastatic Crohns disease ulcerated areas of skin appearing on patients with CD
microbiological culture a process used to detect and identify micro-organisms
mucosal islands raised, red, swollen patches of mucosa left on an otherwise ulcerated area of the intestinal wall
nasogastric tube a thin tube inserted through the nasal passages, down the oesophagus and into the stomach or duodenum
necrosis death of living tissue due to disease, injury or interruption of blood supply
nephrotoxicity toxic effects occurring within the kidney
neurotoxicity drug-induced damage to peripheral nerves
osteoblasts cells involved in forming and replacing bone
osteocytes cells involved in the removal or replacement of bone
osteoporosis brittleness and weakening of bone due to old age or as a side effect of steroid treatment
parenteral nutrition nutrients delivered by any route except the alimentary canal
percutaneous through the skin
peritonitis infection of the intra-abdominal space
hypothalamus pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis interaction between these glands controls
prophylaxis (prophylactic treatment) preventive treatment, taken to stop symptoms developing as opposed to standard treatment of symptoms as they occur
prostration inability to stand up due to muscular weakness caused by illness
proximal near to the centre of the body (opposite to distal)
pus a fluid containing bacteria and inflammatory cells plus cell debris - associated with infection and inflammation
pyrogens temperature-raising chemicals released by inflammatory cells
radiation colitis inflammation of the colon due to exposure to radiation usually as part of cancer treatment
radiology the use of X-rays in medical diagnosis or ionising radiation in radiotherapy or diagnosis
short bowel syndrome potentially fatal condition due to removal of too much small intestine, causing inability to digest food adequately
sonography use of sound to form images e.g ultrasound scanning
splenic flexure the junction of the transverse and descending colon near the spleen
stoma a surgically constructed alternative external exit point for faeces
stricture a narrowing or restriction in a tube such as the alimentary canal
suppositories solid drug dosage forms, shaped for insertion into the rectum
suppurating forming and/or discharging pus
tenesmus painful, difficult defecation with pellet-like stools in UC
total parenteral nutrition provides all the nutrients needed by severely ill patients, bypassing the alimentary canal
ulcer an inflammatory, often suppurating lesion on the skin or internal mucus membrane, causing tissue necrosis and usually taking a long time to heal
ultrasound sound frequencies above 20 kHz, the upper limit for human hearing used in sonography to visualise internal tissues
uveitis sight-threatening inflammation of the iris and associated structures